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Work in 6 acts for alternative spaces.


Idea, direction: Yeri Anarika


Choreography: Yeri Anarika and 20 dancers from the 3. Cast of CEPRODAC.


Danced by: Leonardo Schwartz, Paulina del Carmen, Irvin Guerrero, Jairo Cruz, Edith Pérez, Jonathan Castillo, Ulises García, Claudia Olvera, Luis Galaviz,

Alex Villalba, Ernesto Peart, Guillermo Magallón, Bryand Pineda, Patricia Viera, Luis Ortega,  Rebeca Portillo Tzitzi Benavides, Ximena Marván  y Sergio Anselmo Orozco. Child: Nicolás A. Vargas

Choreographer Assistant: Yansi Méndez.



An original production of CEPRODAC. Contemporary Dance Production Center.


As we approach the world created by Cervantes in his master book `Don Quixote de la Mancha´, the piece enter into 6 abstract episodes referring to moments of this masterpiece.  Contemporary Dance traduce the vision of his world into movement using short questions and texts as guide for each Episode: For ejemple:

- Quixote: what was your secret sadness, and what was the source of your surprising joy?

-Fight for justice but a justice that goes to the spirit of things and not a dead letter that ignores the truth of man...

-How do we explain today the infinite millions of millions of human beings mutilated, killed, massacred by ourselves, as the main feature that distinguishes us from all other animal species? Inventions, space probes, cybernetics, antibiotics, Internet,... are they really worth all this: Hiroshima, Aushwitz, Kosovo, The War on Drugs, Sierra Leone, Ayotzinapan, The War in Syria? …

- Fortunately, the time that was sad was …

- … a transformation that saved from monotony, emptiness and anonymity,

- The lady is the soul or the active intellect of the rational soul of the human being’s entelechy. It's the power, the motive, the inspirational force..."


Premiere: April at the Centro Cultural España in 2016, duration: 65 min. The work continues to be performed in the repertoire.


Music: Introduccion - Preludio Nº 2 En Do Menor & Concierto En Sol Menor, 1er Mov. Miriam Mendez. Bach Por Flamenco - Flamenco Guitarra Loops

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